Our ISBN Certificate

Our Agency had made an application to the Provincial Directorate for Culture and Tourism dated 07.09.2012 and numbered 2706 and was granted the certificate on 17.09.2012.

With the ISBN certificate, our Agency participated in the institutions which produce or import or perform filling, reproduction and sale of such materials related to determining and reproducing of intellectual and artistic works regarding the publications it has issued so far.
The certificate received to be used in ISBN Transactions is valid until 17.09.2016. Our Agency is entitled to use this certificate for issues related to Printing House, Sales and Distribution.

What is ISBN?
ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a unique book numbering system prepared by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in 1972 and was put in effect upon approval of member states in order to follow up the increasing knowledge generation in the developing world and offer this for a wider usage.
The purpose of this is to standardize book numbers by arranging them through an international method in order to identify the material published by a certain publisher by giving it an International Standard Book Number (ISBN).
For example, ISBN number of a publication titled “China and Ceramic Art in Anatolia during Turkish Period”, which was published by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Libraries and Publishing in 2007, is 978-975-17-3298-9. 978 is ISB initial code, 975 represents Turkey, 17 is the initial number for the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 3298 shows the publication number of the Ministry and 9 is the control number.

Benefits of ISBN
Information related to the publishers whose initial numbers are given is notified to the International ISBN Center and then announced to the countries registered in this system by means of the “International Publishers Catalogue”, which is published by the Center. Information related to the material which was given an ISBN is transmitted to the relevant settings by the General Directorate of Libraries as ISBN Turkey Agency.